system & service design @ Livework / TRAnsport & City planning / Drone (UAV) technology
Drone city services system
Service design to create a challenge prize system for innovators to focus on proposing drones in public city services (medical transport, firefighters, etc).

Workshops, synthesis and analysis, findings classification, capturing insights and custom service ecosystem blueprint

Video source: Dutch Tilt Studios
Project background

Phase 1: Research Nesta Flying High


Role: Livework wasn't involved

Research in multiple UK cities showed a viability and feasibility of building city network infrastructures for drones (UAV) and holding a challenge prize for participants to propose application of the technology for public beneficial services.
Drone challenge framework and requirements design

Phase 2: Pre-LIVE Use case scenario design, system mapping, service blueprint and workshops

Q1 2019

Role: Service designer

Design of the testing capabilities and challenge prize specifications for socially beneficial, city-based drone use cases.
Kick-off: rebrief and plan
Livework and Nesta aligned on the work to be done and agreed on direction.

The agreed process for each work cycle is: research, design, co-creation workshops, synthesis, analysis, presentation, iteration.
Cycle 1: Framework (citizen level)
Creating a services ecosystem that accounts for different actors and their concurrent actions through a provision of drone services. Baseline city level requirements framework design with workshops (multiple customer focus).
Cycle 2: Use cases
Use case opportunities and scenarios for drones in public city services. Design, workshops, synthesis, analysis.
Cycle 3: Framework (user level)
One of the actor layers of the services ecosystem (service user) is detailed out in a “zoom-in" service blueprint. User level requirements framework (single customer / user focus). Design, workshops, synthesis, analysis.
Cycle 4: Requirements
Refining all requirements frameworks and defining prize criteria for challenge participants (pitches of drone services in public sector in defined UK cities). Design, workshops, synthesis, analysis.
Final deliverables
Services ecosystem blueprint with requirements for each stage and stakeholder in drone services and use case scenarios for medical transport, emergency response and infrastructure development & maintenance in UK cities.
The project is ongoing with public drone services on the way >-<
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